Burford’s board of directors consists of six directors. The board of directors has overall responsibility for Burford’s governance, strategy, risk management and key policies and engages in robust scrutiny of the business and Burford’s portfolio. The board of directors evaluates its own performance annually and regularly discusses improvements to its structure and processes. The board of directors is subject to Burford’s various integrity policies, including with respect to conflicts of interest, self-dealing and fiduciary duties. The directors are experienced and collectively well-versed in the legislative and regulatory environment in which Burford operates. The board of directors generally holds an in-person meeting every quarter.

The board of directors has determined that five directors (83%), other than the Chief Executive Officer Mr. Bogart, are independent non-executive directors under the applicable rules and regulations of the US Securities and Exchange Commission and the listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange. Two of Burford’s six directors are female (33%). Directors are required to retire from the board of directors at the annual general meeting immediately following their 72nd birthday.

The directors are: