The information contained in this section is in accordance with AIM Rule 26

Country of Incorporation and Operations

  • Country of Incorporation: Guernsey
  • Company registration number: 50877
  • Registered address: Oak House, Hirzel Street, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 2NP
  • Main country of operation: United States

Corporate Governance

Details of Any Other Exchanges

  • Burford Capital Limited’s shares are fully dual listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange (LSE AIM).

Number of Securities in Issue

  • As of December 31, 2024, Burford Capital Limited had 220,091,851 ordinary shares of nil par value issued, of which 669,947 ordinary shares were held in treasury, resulting in 219,421,904 ordinary shares issued and outstanding.
  • As of December 31, 2024, 9.28% of ordinary shares (calculated based on the ordinary shares issued and outstanding as of December 31, 2024) were not in public hands
  • There are no restrictions on the transfer of Burford Capital Limited's ordinary shares.

Significant Shareholders Information

The shareholding information set forth in the table below for shareholders holding more than 5% of Burford Capital Limited’s ordinary shares is as of October 22, 2024. The shareholding information for shareholders holding more than 5% of Burford Capital Limited’s ordinary shares reflects shareholdings as notified to Burford Capital Limited by shareholders via TR-1 or SEC disclosures. Burford Capital Limited does not independently verify the information provided via TR-1 or SEC disclosures nor does Burford Capital Limited include shareholding information not provided via TR-1 or SEC disclosures. As of October 22, 2024, Burford Capital Limited had 219,421,376 ordinary shares issued and outstanding.

Shareholder name Number of Ordinary Shares % of Ordinary Shares Issued and Outstanding
BlackRock, Inc. 15,416,778 7.0%
  • The shareholding information set forth in this table for shareholders holding more than 5% of Burford Capital Limited’s ordinary shares reflects shareholdings as notified to Burford by shareholders via TR-1 or SEC disclosures, and Burford updates the shareholding information in this table as TR-1 or SEC disclosures are made. Burford does not independently verify the information provided via TR-1 or SEC disclosures nor does Burford include shareholding information not provided via TR-1 or SEC disclosures.

As Burford Capital Limited is not incorporated in the UK, the rights of shareholders may be different from the rights of shareholders in a UK incorporated company.


This section of Burford's website is intended for the use of Burford's public investors. Burford also maintains a separate private funds business. Information presented here is not intended for the use of private fund investors, nor is it presented in the appropriate form for such investors. Moreover, Burford does not present this information as a solicitation of private fund investment, which occurs only through appropriate offering documents.